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Module 5 - Creating the IMPACT

The journey you have taken so far, hopefully, has given you a heightened awareness of your personal values and your internal and external strengths. What needs to happen now is for you to stand strong on the foundation of this knowledge and begin to venture outside your comfort zone, using the power of your strengths and values as a source of comfort and confidence. Stand strong, stand tall and use your new-found confidence to propel you to greater heights; believing that you are a force to be reckoned with and everyone you interact with from now on will truly be touched, moved, impressed - you will be memorable, significant, extraordinary in their minds - you will have made an IMPACT.

Follow the links below and be inspired to make a difference and make a personal impact.


Link 1 - The Greatest Battle

Link 2 - What Matters Most ?

Link 3 - Live Your Dream ! ! !

Final Task - Please capture in words what this course has done for you? Write it down on the Module 5 Worksheet.

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